Sunday, February 3, 2008

Remember your Monthly Breast Exam

Your monthly breast exam takes a few minutes, but the few minutes are worth it. If you are like me, it's because I am busy that I forget. But think of it this way, if you get breast cancer that is undetected until it's too late for the BEST help, then you don't have many minutes left.

I suggest you use the day the menstrual period finishes as the day each month to do this. If you choose to do it before your menstrual period, the fluid accumulation that occasionally occurs will confuse the exam. Report any suspicious lumps, drainage, lopsided bumps, painful or painless to your medical physician. When you call, you are talking to a receptionist, who is traditionally a non-medical person. Ask to speak to your doctor's nurse for the earliest appointment.

Most women don't enjoy their yearly female physical. But after 25 years of experience nursing in the mother/baby field, I have seen many cases where the problems that could have been prevented if diagnosed early were found TOO LATE.

Don't be one of those women. Write down your exam date for breasts monthly and your exam month for your yearly physically yearly.

Cyndi Eaton